Optimizing your site for (business) performance

Speaker: Monte Martin
Read our Interview with Monte Martin
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Session Description:

There is a lot of talk on the web about optimizing sites. The conversation often centers around search engines, and sometimes turns to technical topics like security or site speed. These are important topics, but all web-sites (especially business sites) have a specific purpose, and it’s usually not just high traffic counts and blazing site speed. So how do you determine if your site is living up to potential? In Optimizing your site for (business) performance, we’ll tackle that question and discuss ways to gather information about how visitors interact with your website. We’ll also discuss how to use the information you gather to answer important questions about your sites (business) performance.

  • Is the traffic to my site relevant?
  • What do my site visitors think is important?
  • What about my site is preventing visitors from becoming customers?
  • Could my site bring me more business?
  • What changes to my website will help my business succeed?